Portland State University Mental Health Counselor Continuing Education Training Workshop

October 2022

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A Critical Analysis of Ethics. Bruce J Spencer PhD, MA, LMHC, LMSW, NCC. October 13. Zoom. As mental health professionals we are acutely aware of the necessity to maintain ethical standards. Many clinicians have not read the standards recently and risk making subtle clinical judgement errors. Rather than focus on didactic review and theoretical analysis of each, this seminar is designed to highlight common daily ethical problems. Open discussion, critical analysis, and interaction is encouraged in this seminar. CE: 6 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Attachment/Trauma-Focused Training (ATFT) Post-Graduation Certificate Program. Deborah Gray LICSW; Sandra Gorman Brown LICSW. October 14-15, 21-22. Seattle WA. ATFT prepares professionals to help children and families with attachment, trauma, behavioral, and grief issues. The course teaches approaches suitable for people who have executive dysfunction and/or prenatal drug and alcohol exposure. The program is practical, with an emphasis on application of skills. Course includes readings and a 3-hour on-line case consult. CE: 46 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $1,450. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Trans-101: Step One in Creating a More Gender - Affirming Practice. Kieran McMonagle MA, LMHC. October 14. Zoom. In this training you will learn about the exploration of gender, how you can be affirming in your practice, and ways that providing gender-affirming care should be thought of as suicide prevention. We will review ways to engage the family through family therapy and parent coaching, review the various models for trans affirming care, and practice all of it with experiential activities. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Ethics of Self-Care: An Art Based Approach. Sibel Golden PhD, LMHC, REAT; Molly Rice MA, LMFTA, RDT; Sarah Engelskirchen-Bugler LMHC; Courtney Oliver LMHC. October 8 or 14, November 4 or December 10 . Zoom. CE: 6 Ethics CEs for WA Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Social Workers. Other states which accept NBCC approval. Northwest Creative and Expressive Arts Institute (NWCEAI). Fee: $199 or $220 (includes art materials box). (206) 227-3782. Web: //seattlearttherapy.org/workshops-training/ Email: info@seattlearttherapy.org

Hakomi Loving Presence: Expand your Ability to Practice Open-hearted Listening. Roxanne Peterson; PhD LMHC, RN, CHT, certified Hakomi therapist and senior trainer; Kristina (Kris) Cook LMHC, CDP, CHT certified Hakomi therapist and teacher. October 15-16. Zoom. Fee: $225 (Bring a friend, $20 off for each.) CE: 8 CEs Licensed Social Worker, Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Massage Practitioner. Seattle Hakomi Education Network. (206) 335-8514. Web: www.seattlehakomi.com Email: kcook.mindful@gmail.com

Clinical Supervision Training: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know (15 CE including 10 Law and Ethics CEs). Eric Strom Attorney at Law, LMHC. October 19-21 (over 3 days). SOLD OUT. Next training January 18-20, 2023. Zoom. This workshop meets the training requirement for becoming an Approved Clinical Supervisor. Providing supervision can be a rewarding addition to a clinical practice. However, many clinicians are reluctant to become supervisors due to concerns about legal and ethical liability. These concerns are often increased by a lack of accurate information about the true risks of liability faced by supervisors. CE: 15 CEs including10 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $310. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Attachment and the Neurobiology of Relationships. Kristie Baber MSW, LICSW, CCTP. October 20. Zoom. This class will demonstrate that attachment is a journey, rather than the predetermined lifelong limitation a jaded clinical view might indicate. It typifies the astounding adaptability and hope inherent in humans - the reasons we believe in our work as therapists. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Ethical and Legal Considerations when Counseling Teens (6 Law and Ethics CEs). David Flack LMHC, CDP. October 21. Zoom. Counseling teens presents unique ethical and legal considerations. From navigating informed consent requirements with resistant adolescents, to defining what "imminent harm" means from both legal and ethical perspectives, to balancing best practices with client willingness. Especially in Washington state, laws about confidentiality and related treatment issues starts at age 13. CE: 6 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $160. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

The Therapeutic Alliance: Remembering and Reclaiming an Essential Evidence Based Treatment in the 21st Century . Brenda Butterfield EdD, MSW, LMHC. October 21. Zoom. Evidence based treatment methods, supported by data, are expected of clinicians for routine approval by insurance companies, government organizations and private funders. Viewed as "evidence-based" they often overshadow another proven effective, research-based intervention that is non-directive and client-centered; the therapeutic alliance. "The alliance ... is (still) one of the strongest validated factors influencing therapy success" (Wampold, 2001.) CE: 6 CEUs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $165. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Cycle Hacks to Improve Women's Mental Health, Wellness, Intuition, and Performance. DeAnna L'am. October 24. Zoom. Women are cyclical beings living in a linear world. They are socialized to ignore the gifts of their cyclical nature in exchange for gaining equality in the linear arena. This comes with a high price tag: women constantly attempt to fit a round peg into a square hole, which is exhausting, depleting, and draining for both professional women and their women-clients. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Implicit Bias in the Therapeutic Community: Denial, Recognition, & Modalities for Change (Meets the Cultural Competency CE requirement for OR & WA). Darcia Tudor JD, LMHC, CWM. October 27. Zoom. The nuance of implicit bias in a professional community with ethical standards condemning prejudice and differential treatment for marginalized groups. This workshop will examine the subtle nature of implicit bias, its expression, impact, and prevention in therapeutic settings. CE: 6 CEs and meets the Cultural Competency CE requirement for OR & WA . Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

EMDR Training. EMDR Virtual Basic Trainings are organized by time zones. Weekend 1: Pacific Time - December 2-4. Mountain time - September 16-18. Weekend 2: Pacific Time - November 4-6. Mountain Time - October 21-23 or December 2-4. For Eastern and Midwest dates see website. Dr Francine Shapiro is the originator of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a specialized approach that accelerates treatment of anxiety-based complaints and self-esteem issues, related to both upsetting past events and present life conditions. This method integrates into and augments a treatment plan. Training consists of lecture, live and videotaped demonstrations, and small group exercises. Fee: for early bird discounts on Basic Training, see the website. EMDR. (831) 761-1040 Fax (831) 761-1204.. Web: www.emdr.com

Spirituality and Intuition in Therapy (counts for Cultural Competence CE requirements). Makinie Fortino MA, LMFT. October 28 (10am-1pm). Zoom. In 2021 and 2022, Makinie provided workshops questioning services that can harm Black and Brown clients. We are offering this workshop in response to requests to expand on information related to spirituality and mental health, as well as the therapists who identify as spiritual. In this workshop, we will be exploring signs and symptoms of spiritual awakenings in our clients (and ourselves), assessing tools we currently use, and using intuition and discernment when implementing evidence-based practices. CE: 3 CEs (counts for Cultural Competence CE requirements). Cascadia Training. Fee: $100. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Unpacking Inherited Stories. Laura Tadd, PhD. October 29. Zoom. Workshop will explore participant's stories/views held by ancestors that they have woven into the fabric of their life. Some stories are healthy and others are inauthentic. Learners will come to discover an Ally or guide; the ally will be a source of support as they unpack these stories and learn tools to let go of those that are no longer serving them. CE: 6 CEs NBCC. NWCEAI. Fee: $199. (206) 227-3782. Web: www.seattlearttherapy.org Email: info@seattlearttherapy.org

November 2022

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Early Childhood Mental Health. Kristin Baber MSW, LICSW. November 2-3. Zoom. Some clients aren't found on Freud's chaise - they are more suited to cribs, highchairs, and childcares. They have the same difficulty managing their emotions, establishing healthy relationships, and behaving appropriately as the rest of us, but how would you go about helping a baby or woddler? This 2-day class will give therapists and other professionals working with very young children an understanding of Infant Mental Health and interventions for clients 0-5 years of age. We will focus on normal and at-risk populations and the impacts of abuse, neglect, and loss. CE: 12 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $275. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Psychopharmacology for the Non-Prescriber Part I. Rodolfo Trivisonno MD. November 3. Zoom. This is a seminar directed at non-prescribing mental health and chemical dependence professionals aiming at improving their knowledge in the area of basic Psychopharmacology used in clinical practice. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Don't Get Burned: What Mental Health Providers Need to Know about Washington Cannabis Laws (3 Law and Ethics CEs). Eric Strom, Attorney at Law, LMHC. November 4 (9am-12:15pm). Zoom. The laws, regulations, and policies regarding the legal use of marijuana/ cannabis are rapidly changing. Among the general public, there are many misperceptions and misunderstandings of the current rules. In this workshop we will examine Washington State and Federal legal standards regarding legal use of cannabis. We will also discuss legal and ethical issues relating to the use of cannabis by clinicians CE: 3 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $89. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Youth and Adult Suicide: Recognition, Assessment and Treatment of Suicidality (meets Washington State requirement). Randi Jensen MA, LMHC. November 4. Zoom. This workshop presents original concepts in the development of suicidality as an ingenious coping mechanism which develops over time. The brain's neuroplasticity forms neural pathways which underpin the reinforcing suicidal thought pattern. Brain retraining provides formation of new healthful neural pathways. The healing process is directed, encouraged and supported through a specifically designed peer protocol based on existing evidence-based social support. CE: 6 CEs meets the Washington State suicide assessment requirements for re-licensure. Cascadia Training. Fee: $159. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Ethics of Self-Care: An Art Based Approach. Sibel Golden PhD, LMHC, REAT; Molly Rice MA, LMFTA, RDT; Sarah Engelskirchen-Bugler LMHC; Courtney Oliver LMHC. November 4 or December 10 . Zoom. CE: 6 Ethics CEs for WA Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Social Workers. Other states which accept NBCC approval. Northwest Creative and Expressive Arts Institute (NWCEAI). Fee: $199 or $220 (includes art materials box). (206) 227-3782. Web: //seattlearttherapy.org/workshops-training/ Email: info@seattlearttherapy.org

Introduction to Narrative Expressive Arts Therapy. Shoshana Simons PhD, RDT. November 4 (4-7pm) - 5 (10am-1pm, Pacific Time). Zoom. This class introduces participants to Narrative Expressive Arts Therapy, an integration of Narrative Therapy & multimodal Expressive Arts Therapy. Shoshana Simons, Program Chair of the Expressive Arts Therapy Program at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco, has been developing the approach in collaboration with peers and students for over a decade. CE: 6 CEs NBCC. NWCEAI. Fee: $199. (206) 227-3782. Web: www.seattlearttherapy.org Email: info@seattlearttherapy.org

Hakomi Nonverbal Awareness: Enhance Attunement in Personal and Professional Relationships. Dennis Gaither MD, OMC, and Lynn Morrison MA, CHT, certified Hakomi therapists, teachers, and senior trainers. November 5-6. Zoom. Fee $225. (Bring a friend, $20 off each.) CE: 8 CEs Licensed Social Worker, Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Massage Practitioner. Seattle Hakomi Education Network. (206) 335-8514. Web: www.seattlehakomi.com Email: kcook.mindful@gmail.com

Neuroscience-Informed Therapist Certificate Program. Hannah Smith MA, LMHC, CGP. November 10-12. Edmonds WA. Are you ready for having a retreat experience that will transform your approach to therapy and enhance your current practice? Cascadia Training is now offering a certificate program that will deepen and add to your experience and education as a clinician while also bolstering your confidence in implementing brain-based cognitive and somatic strategies. Attending this certificate program retreat and training will improve your treatment outcomes and offer your clients the ability to self-regulate and truly transform their quality of life! In Person: Olympic Room at the Harbor Inn. CE: 12 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $400. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Law and Ethics of Clinical Relational Work. Eric Strom Attorney at Law, LMHC. November 10 (10am-1:15pm). Zoom. Our work as behavior health professionals is heavily regulated through a variety of legal, ethical, and clinical standards. For clinicians engaged in relational work (when clinical work is done with more than one client is present), the complexity of these legal and ethical considerations is compounded. But don't worry. CE: 3 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $89. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Tarot and Therapy: Intuition and Metaphor. Rebecca Bloom ATR-BC, LMHC. November 11. Shoreline Center Why is Tarot so popular right now? Are your clients coming in talking about the card they pulled before the session and you have no idea what that means? Have you used tarot for years for own wellbeing and would love to use it with mental health clients but not sure how? Attendance will be limited to accommodate space between attendees and safety measures will be in place. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $165. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Art and Meditation. Sibel Golden PhD, LMHC, REAT. November 11 and December 16 (5-6pm) PST. Zoom. This is an opportunity to take an hour for your own self-care. Relax with art-making, journal-writing, and poetry. A brief meditation that focuses on mindfulness begins each hour, followed by time for stepping into the creative process and closing with some reflective writing and a poem. NWCEAI. Fee: Free but registration is required. (206) 227-3782. Web: www.seattlearttherapy.org Email: info@seattlearttherapy.org

Hakomi Deepening Skills: Training for graduates of Hakomi Level II (or equivalent) and an introduction to Hakomi for client/observer participants. Roxanne Peterson PhD, LMHC, RN, CHT, certified Hakomi therapist, teacher, and senior trainer; Kristina (Kris) Cook LMHC, CDP, CHT certified Hakomi therapist and teacher. November 12-13. In-person at Mosswood Hollow Retreat Center. Fee: $400 - therapists, $300 - clients/observers. If registering as a client/observer, contact Roxanne at the email below. CE: 12 CEs Licensed Social Worker, Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Massage Practitioner, Certified Counselors. Seattle Hakomi Education Network. Web: www.seattlehakomi.com Email: peterson.roxanne@comcast.net

Ethical Assessment in Early Childhood Mental Health and Development (6 Law and Ethics CEs). Kristie Baber MSW, LICSW, CCTP. November 16. Zoom. This clinical workshop teaches assessment skills, tools, and diagnostics to providers engaging with young children. What does depression look like in an infant? Can you attribute a developmental delay to environment? How is recognizing an attachment pattern valuable to an overall assessment? When is it a typical developmental stage and when is it pathology? We'll discuss these topics and more. This class will equip clinicians to utilize the DC:0-5 for diagnosing children and address the new requirement of HB1325. CE: 6 CEs Law and Ethics. Cascadia Training. Fee: $159. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

The Nature Cure: Evidence-Based Medicine for Mental Health. Dr. Catherine Darley. November 17 (9am-1:30pm). Zoom. As human beings spend more and more time inside our built environments, we're stepping away from the healing power of nature. This is a big loss! Human beings evolved in natural settings, and time in nature is one of the most stress-relieving activities we can enjoy. Nature cure can be part of an effective plan for ADHD, depression, as well as the pandemic's resulting lack of social connections. Research reveals that time spent in nature therapy results in decreases in antidepressant prescriptions. CE: 4 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $100. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Motivational Interviewing: Improving client outcomes by increasing intrinsic motivation for change. Randi Jensen MA, LMHC, CCDC. November 17. Zoom. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an established evidence based practice renowned for resolving ambivalence. MI has been shown to enhance client motivation for change and improve treatment outcomes. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Interacting with the Legal System. Eric Strom PhD, Attorney at Law, LMHC. November 18 (9am-12:15pm). Zoom. Balancing the protection of client confidentiality against compliance with subpoenas and court orders can be both challenging and stress-inducing for clinicians. An effective understanding of the legal and ethical requirements regarding confidentiality, subpoenas, client advocacy, and in-court testimony is vital to effective clinical work and is a key part of sound professional practice. CE: 3 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $89. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping for Clinicians, Part 1. Shelley White MA, LMHC. November 18. Zoom. Many prominent therapists and psychologists, including trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, use a form of tapping with their clients, and now you can to. This workshop provides you with the introductory skills you need to start using basic tapping techniques which you will be able to use with your clients immediately. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Developing an "Essential-Self" Care Practice. Brenda S Butterfield EdD, MSW, LMHC. November 18. Zoom. "Self-care isn't selfish, it's essential." We tell our clients this and teach them how to set boundaries to take better care of themselves. But how well are we caring for ourselves? Are we practicing what we preach? Do we walk the talk? While we know prioritizing our own health and well-being is important somehow it's the first thing we sacrifice to "help others." CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Humor and Healing: A Key to Well Being. Bobbi Kidder MA, RDT, BCT; Kriya Kaping BA, MA.. November 18 (4-7pm) - 19 (9am-12pm) PST. Zoom. There is therapeutic value to be found in laughter. Used as a tool for well-being, humor can bring people together, warm the process of discovery, and provide access to deeper, more transformative exploration. Guided by a theoretical perspective that combines Polyvagal Theory with embodiment practices found in Drama Therapy, participants will experience an expanding and informative workshop. CE: 6 CEs NBCC. NWCEAI. Fee: $199. (206) 227-3782. Web: www.seattlearttherapy.org Email: info@seattlearttherapy.org

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Directive Play Therapy for Struggling Children. Kristie Baber MSW, LICSW, CCTP. December 1. Zoom This workshop is designed to answer the question child therapists ask, "Yes, but how exactly do I do that in session?" This workshop will be focused on the detailed, how-to of directive play therapy with children. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Ethical Integration of Mindfulness in Mental Health Care (6 Law and Ethics CEs). Brenda Butterfield EdD, MSW, LMHC. December 2. Zoom Clinical interventions called Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBI's) have been developed to effectively treat client's suffering from chronic pain, depression, anxiety, substance use, suicidality and more. MBI's include Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindful Self Compassion (MSC). These are strongly influenced by Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. In this experiential workshop you will learn how to begin developing a mindfulness practice and explore some of the key practices taught in MBSR. CE: 6 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $165. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Sexual Healing: Helping Our Clients Have Healthy Sex Lives after Trauma. B Lourenco LMHC. December 2. Zoom. This course will go over the basics of human sexuality, including sexual and gender identities, as well as the roles of desire, arousal, and libido. This course will also explore how certain types of traumas may affect your clients sexually and how to intervene in supportive, sex-positive ways. CE: 6 CEs including Oregon and WA Cultural Competence. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Hakomi Quieting the Mind: Learn the Practice of Relational Mindfulness. Roxanne Peterson PhD, LMHC, RN, CHT, certified Hakomi therapist and senior trainer; Kristina (Kris) Cook LMHC, CDP, CHT certified Hakomi therapist and teacher. December 3-4. Zoom. CE: 8 CEs Licensed Social Worker, Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Massage Practitioner. Seattle Hakomi Education Network. Fee: $225. (Bring a Friend, $20 off for each.) . (206) 335-8514. Web: www.seattlehakomi.com Email: kcook.mindful@gmail.com

Seattle School of Body-Psychotherapy Certification Program. Aylee Welch LICSW. Year one. December 5-9, 2022; February 27- March 2, 2023; June 5-9, 2023 . Seattle WA. (206) 910-9766. Web: www.bodypsychotherapyschool.com Email: ayleewelch@bodypsychotherapy.us

Guide to Setting Up Your Business as a Solo Practitioner. Sandy Voit, LMHC. December 8. Zoom Learn pros and cons of different options of tax structures for your practice. Develop a financial plan for your practice. How to optimize your business deductions. Learn advantages of setting up a home office. Why, if you are married and/or have children, it is advantageous to hire them. Start planning for your own retirement. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Brain-Based Therapy 101 for Clinicians: Practical Neuroscience-Informed Interventions for Treating Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Trauma, and Personality Disorders. Hannah Smith MA, LMHC, CGP. December 8. Zoom. Thanks to advances in technology, such as the advent of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans, our understanding of the brain-body connection has exponentially grown in recent years. We can now pinpoint brain dysfunctions in ways we never have before, allowing for far more targeted mental health treatment options and successful client outcomes we never imagined before. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $155. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Behind the Mask: Depression in Adolescent Males. David Flack LMHC, CDP. December 9. Zoom. Adolescent males frequently don't exhibit standard diagnostic criteria for depression and can slip through the cracks. They hide behind masks, hoping nobody will notice they're really sad, lonely and vulnerable. You will learn the knowledge and skills to look behind those masks - including the roots of this covert depression, the impact of the Guy Code, and the Stuckness that results when biological predispositions and environmental stressors collide. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $160. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

If It's Not in the Record, It Didn't Happen - Or Did It? Law and Ethics of Effective Documentation and Record Keeping for Mental Health Professionals. Eric Strom PhD, Attorney at Law, LMHC. December 9. Zoom. In this workshop, we will examine Washington State and Federal legal standards regarding clinical documentation. We will also discuss documentation best-practices to support effective clinical work while minimizing the risk of liability. CE: 6 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $169. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

EMDR Training. EMDR Virtual Basic Trainings are organized by time zones. Weekend 1: Pacific Time - December 2-4. Weekend 2: Pacific Time - November 4-6. Mountain Time - December 2-4. For Eastern and Midwest dates see website. Dr Francine Shapiro is the originator of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a specialized approach that accelerates treatment of anxiety-based complaints and self-esteem issues, related to both upsetting past events and present life conditions. This method integrates into and augments a treatment plan. Training consists of lecture, live and videotaped demonstrations, and small group exercises. Fee: for early bird discounts on Basic Training, see the website. EMDR. (831) 761-1040 Fax (831) 761-1204.. Web: www.emdr.com

Ethics of Self-Care: An Art Based Approach. Sibel Golden PhD, LMHC, REAT; Molly Rice MA, LMFTA, RDT; Sarah Engelskirchen-Bugler LMHC; Courtney Oliver LMHC. December 10 . Zoom. CE: 6 Ethics CEs for WA Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Social Workers. Other states which accept NBCC approval. Northwest Creative and Expressive Arts Institute (NWCEAI). Fee: $199 or $220 (includes art materials box). (206) 227-3782. Web: //seattlearttherapy.org/workshops-training/ Email: info@seattlearttherapy.org

Reaching the Inner Child: Using Integrated, Brain-based Internal Family Systems Therapy to Treat Trauma and Personality Disorders. Hannah Smith, MA, LMHC, CGP. December 12. Zoom. This workshop will address combining insights from neuroscience with an evidence-based treatment approach known as Internal Family Systems. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $165. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Spirituality, Religion, and Ethics in Mental Health Therapy (6 Law and Ethics CEs). Brenda Butterfield EdD, MSW, LMHC. December 16. Zoom. Join us at the ONE Center for a day of exploring what has been, until recently, a neglected and even shunned domain of client inquiry in clinical practice. You're invited to help bring our field into alignment with professional codes of ethics imploring us to provide culturally sensitive services. Together we'll learn about, discuss and experience ethical practices to assess and integrate clients' religious and spiritual beliefs and traditions into their mental health therapy. CE: 6 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $169. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Youth and Adult Suicide: Recognition, Assessment and Treatment of Suicidality (meets Washington State requirement). Randi Jensen MA, LMHC. December 16. Zoom. This workshop presents original concepts in the development of suicidality as an ingenious coping mechanism which develops over time. The brain's neuroplasticity forms neural pathways which underpin the reinforcing suicidal thought pattern. Brain retraining provides formation of new healthful neural pathways. The healing process is directed, encouraged and supported through a specifically designed peer protocol based on existing evidence-based social support. CE: 6 CEs meets the Washington State suicide assessment requirements for re-licensure. Cascadia Training. Fee: $169. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

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Treating Early Childhood Trauma. Kristie Baber MSW, LICSW. January 5. Zoom. This class will give practicing therapists and other professionals working with young children an understanding of trauma presentation, treatment, and repercussions. We will explore the developmental and relational damage that occurs with complex trauma. Particular focus on at-risk populations and the impacts and recovery from abuse, neglect and loss. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $165. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

An Introduction to the Ethical Use of Assessments (6 Law and Ethics CEs). Brenda Butterfield EdD, MSW, LMHC. January 6. Zoom. This workshop is for colleagues interested in learning a purposeful process for using effective, free, evidence based assessment measures to identify outcome indicators that matter most to both client and clinician. Participants will learn how to use valid, reliable measures to assess clients' overall mental health and identify specific concerns of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, PTSD, substance use and behavior problems. Ethical implications will be highlighted and discussed throughout. CE: 6 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $175. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

EFT: Tapping for Clinicians, Part II. Shelley White MA, LMHC. January 13. Zoom. This class is designed for individuals who took Shelley's "Tapping for Clinicians" class (either through Cascadia or through another venue.) We will dive deeper into the concepts learned in the first class (i.e., aspects, psychological reversal) as well as learn new techniques and concepts. Plenty of time will be given for review and questions. Shelley will discuss and demonstrate additional Tapping techniques including tapping in the positive and use of metaphors and intuition. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $165. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

The Gift of the Artist's Way. Kate Gavigan, MA. January 13 (10am-1pm). Zoom. The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron is an international bestseller on creativity. Kate Gavigan, a local Artist's Way instructor and trained Mental Health Therapist, has been leading Artist's Way classes since 2009. This introductory Artist's Way 3-hour workshop led by Kate will focus on highlighting the primary tools of creative recovery that Julia Cameron outlines in her international bestseller on creativity: The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity. CE: 3 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $95. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

A Critical Analysis of Ethics. Bruce J Spencer PhD, MA, LMHC, LMSW, NCC. January 16. Zoom. As mental health professionals we are acutely aware of the necessity to maintain ethical standards. Many clinicians have not read the standards recently and risk making subtle clinical judgement errors. Rather than focus on didactic review and theoretical analysis of each, this seminar is designed to highlight common daily ethical problems. Open discussion, critical analysis, and interaction is encouraged in this seminar. CE: 6 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $175. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Clinical Supervision Training: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know (15 CE including 10 Law and Ethics CEs). Eric Strom Attorney at Law, LMHC. January 18-20 (over 3 days). Zoom. This workshop meets the training requirement for becoming an Approved Clinical Supervisor. Providing supervision can be a rewarding addition to a clinical practice. However, many clinicians are reluctant to become supervisors due to concerns about legal and ethical liability. These concerns are often increased by a lack of accurate information about the true risks of liability faced by supervisors. CE: 15 CEs including10 Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $345. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Certificate Program. Becoming a Neurodivergent-Informed Clinician: Understanding ADHD and Autism through a Strengths-Based, Neurodivergent-Affirming Lens. B Lourenco MA, LMHC. Six Consecutive Wednesday mornings, January 11, January 18, January 25, February 1, February 8, February 15. ( 9am - 12pm). Zoom. This workshop series is designed to help clinicians build greater awareness and familiarity with ADHD and Autistic experiences. Participants will come away from this course with a deeper understanding of ADHD and Autism from the Neurodiversity-Affirming Paradigm that focuses on strengths and differences, not diagnoses, disorders, and deficits. CE: 18 CEs, 6 of which are Law and Ethics CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $575. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Out of the Box: Creative Approaches to Telehealth. Sofiya Kostareva LMHC, Expressive Arts Therapist. January 20. Zoom. Many of us dove into teletherapy with little-to-no formal training in providing therapeutic services using this method of care. Non-traditional methods of therapy like visual expression, reflective story-telling, and guided movement are not only more inclusive but inherently more effective when offered via Telehealth, because they, too, defy linear models that emphasize cognitive and verbal processes as the only therapeutic approaches. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $165. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Foster Care: An American Subculture A Survival Guide of Interventions That Really Work For Kids. Kristie Baber MSW, LICSW. January 24. Zoom. The experience of foster care often compounds the difficulties young children already face due to the neglect or abuse that required CPS involvement in the first place. Fortunately, as therapists and social workers with access, there are targeted places where we can significantly help. This workshop will address the primary clinical and systemic impacts to children 0-10 years of age, as well as realistic solutions to address them. CE: 6 CEs Cultural Competence. Cascadia Training. Fee: $175. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Reframing Resistance: Maybe Teens Aren't Stubborn, Oppositional, or In Denial. David Flack LMHC, CDP. January 26 (9am-12:15pm). Zoom. This workshop will reframe this so-called resistance from developmental, attachment-based, and trauma-informed perspectives. These perspectives help us look beyond the initial reluctance and engage teen clients more effectively. Sometimes, that's all it takes for the reluctance to disappear. But, other times, we discover clients are stuck. CE: 3 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $90. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Tarot and Therapy: Intuition and Metaphor. Rebecca Bloom ATR-BC, LMHC. January 27. Shoreline Center Why is Tarot so popular right now? Are your clients coming in talking about the card they pulled before the session and you have no idea what that means? Have you used tarot for years for own wellbeing and would love to use it with mental health clients but not sure how? Attendance will be limited to accommodate space between attendees and safety measures will be in place. CE: 6 CEs. Cascadia Training. Fee: $185. Brian Andersen (206) 441-6892. Web: www.cascadia-training.com Email: cascadia.training@gmail.com

Gambling Counselor Core and Advanced Virtual Training by Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling. January 31-February 3. Yakima WA. Topics covered include 30-hr PG Core training, cultural competency, and other advanced topics. Scholarships available. Fee: $70-$225 for one-four days. (360) 352-6133. Web: www.evergreencpg.org Email: kbishop@evergreencpg.org

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Cultivating Radical Acceptance Through Artmaking, Improvisation and Storytelling. Bobbi Kidder MA, RDT, BCT; Kriya Kaping BA, MA.. February 10 (4-7pm) - 11 (9am-12pm) PST. Zoom. This is a workshop about Radical Acceptance, a part of the canon of Mindfulness approaches. Through activities such as Guided Meditation, Artmaking, Movement, Journal Writing, Poetry, and Improvisation we will create opportunities for Story building, and Storytelling in a creative, supportive, collaborative space. CE: 6 CEs NBCC. NWCEAI. Fee: $199. (206) 227-3782. Web: www.seattlearttherapy.org Email: info@seattlearttherapy.org


Source: http://www.workshopcalendar.com/filter_nw.php

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